Maria Lopes

Maria Lopes

terça-feira, 12 de março de 2024

Maria Lopes e Convidados, recebeu visitante de Altoona, Pensilvânia.

 Maria Lopes e Convidados.

Altoona é uma cidade localizada no Estado americano de Pensilvânia, no Condado de Blair


"Pennsylvania has a lot of very steep roads, a few weeks ago I took a few pictures to show a friend how steep Altoona's streets really are. It's not as impressive as Baldwin Street in New Zealand, but we do have parts of individual blocks which are really steep, and some parts of streets that were too steep to build a road (or you could technically build a road but it was deemed unsafe to do so). I also filmed some footage today of driving up a road that ranged from fairly steep for the most part to very steep for a half block. The roads I featured all are steeper than a 15 degree angle, and I'd wager that the half block of 25th street as well as 18th and 19th avenues near downtown could possibly be as much as an 18 degree slope, which approaches world record territory. The streets in Altoona rival those of San Francisco despite being less famous. Pittsburgh also has some steep roads, such as Canton Avenue."

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